We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I hope you have had a wonderful holiday season so far and are looking forward to one more good time to bring in 2016. You know what? I am really excited for 2016… This will be the year of the second USS Nationals and is going to be at 4th St. Live in Louisville, KY!!! So, GET READY!!!
If you have yet to qualify, go do it. There are still plenty of winter contests and the spring thaw will be here before you know it. Checkout our UPCOMING EVENTS page for more opportunities.
About now you should be fat and happy and gearing up towards some Max Effort or Test Maxes on your main lifts and maybe a few events too. You main lifts should be in the 1-5 rep range and your events should be getting progressively heavier. Now would be a good time for a heavy triple on stones, or some heavier car deadlifts. And don’t worry about those extra pounds… you have plenty of time to shave them off IF you are over your weight class.

Remember to keep up your accessory work and get that big back we talked about last month. It looks good on you. This next four week period is a good time to see where your form falls apart, identify weaknesses, and refocus your goals. Have you met your short term goals? Are your long term goals realistic? Should you re-evaluate to set yourself up for success?
I am not sure what the weights will be just yet (honest – I wrote this way before the posting date), but I have an idea what it takes to compete. For the men, a LW log should be above 200 for a couple reps. MW: 250, HW and SHW 300. On the Deadlift, LW: 500, MW: 600, HW and SHW 700+. Stones in the neighborhood for LW: low –mid 300s, MW: Mid – high 300s, HW and SHW: at or above 400. As for the women, probably somewhere in 50-60% range of all of those, maybe higher on the DL.

Don’t worry if you’re not there yet. Keep pushing! Focus on technique and intensity. Yes, you can do both. After all, intensity is just a state of mind and good technique will keep you healthy and getting stronger longer.
That’s it for this memo, Cupcake. Happy New Year from me and YOUR United States Strongman administrative team.
John Albrecht
Unites States Strongman, Inc. VP and Indiana State Representative
317-691-3545 (Please text if no answer)