United States Strongman, Inc. State Representaives
"The requirements of a United States Strongman, Inc State Representative are pretty simple. First, and foremost be positive and have alot of energy! If you have a winning attitude then you will make a great ambassador for the sport of strongman. In the end, we all want the sport to grow. This sport is about our members, our competitors. United States Strongman, Inc. State Representatives are the first contact to our members. If you love strongman, that passion will be evident in your contests. Great events are what is invigorate the membership and help the sport grow!
Set the example for the other promoters in and around your state. We are strong believers in a mentor system. We want growth in the states and nationally, so share you experience, while being an active listener. You must be willing to help grow and nurture the sport one contest at a time. Be an advocate for your state! Be an advocate for your United States Strongman, Inc!
We want you to spread the word about your United States Strongman, Inc. because you take pride in representing the organization. To that end, host a contest each year. Obviously, peoples lives and situations change, so if you can't host an event communicate with the United States Strongman, Inc. home office. We have an open door policy. We are here for you. Together we can help find a solution to any obstacle.
Most of all have fun! Enjoy the sport of strongman! Revel in the camaraderie and shared experiences. The friends you make will be life long. These are the days you will remember for the rest of your life!"