Divisions & Weight Classes
Athlete Categories
All Divisions have Weight Classes. Each Class has the upper bound listed (except those with a " + " sign)
Open Strongman:
Lightweight: Up to 181 lbs
165 pounds – 75 kg
181 pounds – 82.5 kg
Middleweight: 182 to 220 lbs
198 pounds – 90 kg
220 pounds – 100 kg
Heavyweight: 221 to 275 lbs 242 pounds - 110 kg
275 pounds – 125 kg
SHW: Over 275 lbs
308 pounds – 140 kg
308+ pounds – 140+ kg
Lightweight: up to 220 lbs
198 pounds - 90 kg
220 pounds - 100 kg
Heavyweight: over 220 lbs
242 pounds - 110 kg
242+ pounds - 110+ kg
50 and 60 + Masters:
Over/Under 220 Lbs
Novice and Teens:
Lightweight: Up to 220 lbs
220 pounds - 100 kg
Heavyweight: Over 220 lbs
220+ pounds - 100+ kg
Open Strongwoman:
Lightweight: Up to 132 lbs
123 pounds – 56 kg
132 pounds – 60 kg
Middleweight: 133 to 165 lbs
148 pounds – 67.5 kg
165 pounds – 75 kg
Heavyweight: 166 to 198 lbs
181 pounds – 82.5 kg
198 pounds – 90 kg
SHW: Over 198 lbs
199 -242 pounds – 110 kg
242+ pounds - 110+ kg
Lightweight: Up to 165 lbs
165 pounds - 75 kg
Heavyweight: Over 165 Lbs
165+ pounds - 75+ kg
Novice and Teens:
Single Class
Lightweight: Up to 165 lbs
165 pounds - 75 kg
Heavyweight: Over 165 lbs
165+ pounds - 75+ kg
Open - Any athlete that wishes to compete.
Novice - Any athlete that has not competed in an open division or has not won a novice division.
Heros Division - Police, fire and military.
Teen - Any athlete between 13 - 19. (Athletes under the age of 18 must have parental or guardian written consent.)
Masters - 40+, 50+, 60+.
General Rules
Weight Division: A general athlete weight range that has weight classes. Example of a division: LW, MW, HW, SHW, HW Masters
Weight Class: A more narrow sub group of a division: Examples of a Weight Class is 181 or 198
If the promoter choose to combine weight classes in the Division you can and still qualify in either weight class. If you combine divisions (Eliminate one) only the division you have will qualify for National spots.
The Promoter may choose to have only Weight Divisions, or have the Weight Classes in the divisions.
Top three athletes in each open divisionsor class will qualify for nationals. This depends on the promoter's decision to have divisions only or classes.
NOVICE: There are no classes in Novice . Only Lightweight and Heavyweight. The winner of each at a show will qualify for nationals.
TEENS: Teens are only Lightweight and Heavyweight. The top 3 in each will qualify.
If you have questions, call your state rep then USS home office.