I've been asked this question a lot over the past three years. "Who can do a USS contest?"
I get this question from Pro's, retired Pro's coming back, Masters and Amateurs. The answer is always the same. Anyone can do a USS contest. We want the best from all of you. It doesn't matter if your the Worlds Strongest or just getting started. We work with everyone to help them achieve their goals. USS is about the Athletes and for the Athletes. Our membership for USS is only $20. It has been this way for three years and will continue to be $20. Memberships are always available at the contest your going too.
We have had a great first three years. I am excited about year four. Our first ever 82.5 Worlds in September, Pro Women's World's coming up in October and Nationals in New York next June. The location for 2018 Pro women's World's will be announced in October as well. All the Arnold World Series cities are listed on the web site. Pick one out and go for it. There are 8 XPC spot are up for grabs for the main stage at the Arnold Columbus. Come to Hope 11 and get one of those spots. USS is here for you. Take advantage of the opportunities!
The Prez