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More Chances to Compete at the Arnold 2018 via XPC!

M. Johnston

In case you missed the fun last weekend, three USS athlete pulled big during the XPC DEADLIFT Salute on the Rogue Strength Stage in Columbus, OH during the Arnold Sports Festival. Samantha Coleman was the Woman's Champ and Shawn Schumaker and BJ Barabas were both one lift away from winning, each finishing second. Dan Dague and the XPC folks were so impressed with the USS athletes that they offered more spot for USS at the DEADLIFT Salute in 2018. Plus XPC is adding a LW women's division.

So, in 2018, USS will be sending 2 LW Women (165 and under), 2 HW Women (166 and over), 2 LW Men (220 and under), and 2 HW Men (221 and up.) That is a total of 8 USS athletes competing at the Arnold Sports Festival in 2018! We will be starting with a clean slate, so currently there are no athletes qualified. There will be multiple qualifying contests scheduled with the first ones being on April 8th in both Kansas and Idaho, with the final event being at Hope for the Holidays in December 2017. Keep checking the USS Upcoming Events Page for a qualifier near you!

Welcome to the USS Revolution where the opportunities just keep on coming!


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