Happy New Year to all. I hope everyones training is going well. There are a lot of great contest this year. Start planning your calendars for 2017.
Let's reflect on 2016 for a minute. USS made it happen with the first ever USS Women's Worlds which we will be doing again with even more prize money. We have and will continue to send athletes to the 90 KG and 105 KG SCL World Championships. Thank you Marcel and Ilkka. I would like to thank the Jim and Bob Lorimer for the chance to send athletes to the Arnold Pro Strongman World Series. This started in 2016 and is continuing into 2017.
We will be hosting the Junior Nationals again in June to provide opportunity to go to the Ultimate Junior Worlds. Thank you Glenn Ross for this and for the Pro Master World Championships. More Masters will turn Pro from Nationals and get a shot a going to Pro Master Worlds in Ireland. We'll be working with Chad Coy and Glenn on sending the Best Americans.

When I say the best Americans just look how they did. Chad Coy and Van Hatfield placing 9th and 4th at Pro Master Worlds. Nick Hadge placed 1st at Junior Worlds. Tim Kovach and Aaron Foundry both placing in the top twelve at 90KG worlds. Jordon Donaldson and Kevin Fares place 6th and 1st at 105 KG worlds. Justin Fisher placing 8th in Spain at the Arnold Pro Strongman World Series. Our four overall winners at USS Women's Worlds were Christina Bangma in the Light Weights. Kim Baum in the Middle Weights. Mary Cain in the Heavy Weights and Samantha Coleman in the SHW who also set a record pulling 600 pounds on the deadlift.

On that subject XPC along with Mike Johnston set us up with three spots to the XPC deadlift finals at the Arnold in Columbus in March. Samantha Coleman, Shawn Schmaker and BJ Barabas will be mail stage come out and support them. USS will have a booth at the Arnold this year. Come and see us at Booth 7. We will have give aways all weekend long. Some of the stuff will include Samson Strength equipment, USS apparel and much more. Let's not forget the Championship Belts. We gave away $6000 in sweet belts in 2016. Come get yours in 2017. As you can see 2016 was a big year for USS.
We have more to come. Keep checking out the web site and Facebook page. Like them both.
We are working hard for you the athlete! #FABA
Willie Wessels
The Prez