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My US Strongwoman: Sarah Lanzillo Competes at USS Pro Women's Worlds!

Thursday morning I boarded the plane alone. In the Air Force we always used to travel alone so I'm used to it. But once we got to our destination we were always greeted by strangers that quickly became our family. And that was the exact case this weekend with united states strongman family . In team sports you're always rooting for the other team to lose, to miss a shot, to have an off-day. But in this sport the camaraderie is unbelievable. Everybody's cheering for you to do your best even girls you're competing against. They all wish you hit new PRs, they're all yelling for you, they want you to do your best. At first I was a little intimidated to meet the strongest women in the US , but then I was blown away by how friendly and helpful everybody was.

Friday night went off without a hitch, everybody was hitting new PRS left and right for their MAX deadlift. I was amazed by the strength that these women have. I hit two new PR as myself, 365 and 375 for Max deadlift. That one event left myself, and I'm sure everybody else, hungry for the following four events the next day. Melatonin was definitely needed that night to calm my nerves and close my eyes.

Saturday morning FINALLY gets here and I've never been more ready for something in my life. I've only been training 8 weeks for this competition but I was READY to give it all I got. My coach, Elliott Hulse has been prepping and training me to be the best athlete possible. I didn't know where I stood amongst these 14 extremely strong women, but I knew I was going to display my best athletic abilities. In the end I ended up taking 7th place, tying with one of the most amazing people I met this weekend, Cynthia. My strongest event was the Viking press, and my weakest event was The Keg carry. If you follow my social media, you'll know that I'm in love with the stones, and I had a blast with those. No matter where I place nothing can top the new friends that I made.

So now I'm back in St. Petersburg Florida where I will continue to train and make videos with my awesome coach. 7th place will not stop me or Slow Me Down, it will only make me hungrier and more determined to kill it next competition. October has been the most crazy month for me in a while. October 22nd was the Tampa Bay strongman classic. I placed first that competition. October 28th and 29th was Pro Woman's World where I placed 7th. And now November 5th is the strength camp challenge which I plan to place first. I've got a lot of people calling me crazy, but I think they've never met a determined Ginger before. Thank you United States Strongman, Willie, and Mike for putting on this amazing event and bringing all these Superwoman together I can't wait to see everybody again.

Thank you, Sarah, for joining us! And, thank you for your service! We love your spirit and can't wait to see you compete again soon!


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