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USS Pro Women's Worlds!

M. Johnston

So as usual your United States Strongman was first!

And now, almost one year later it is go time! Story lines? We have them! Can big and beautiful Samantha Coleman be the first woman on the planet to pull 600 pounds?!? Can two-time LW National Champ Ashley Fagnano dominate? Or, will some extremely tough competition from the East and West coast rule the day; Raquel Walters or Sherri Fontes? And, what about the battle in the MW class? In a class stacked from top to bottom the 2x MW Champ Buffy Champ has ruled the roost, but Kim Baum is going to be bringing the Chicago style heat. And how about HW Mary Rae Cain? Can she taste some sweet redemption and bring home the belt? You can read all of our athlete's stories on our contest Facebook page!

Join us if you can or stand by social media (FB, IG and Twitter) and follow your favorite athlete! $6000K, awesome belts, Pro Cards, the best staff and error free judging and scoring in the world, and fierce competition in front of 8 to 10, 000 of your closest fans!

The first ever USS Pro Women's Worlds!!!!


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